Dr. Hildegarde Staninger™ Integrative Health Systems, LLC
Los Angeles, CA
April 22, 2008
Opaline® Solutions, LLC
Attn: Ms. Sandra Lemire
P.O. Box 91738
Tucson, AZ 85752
RE: Overview of Project Opaline® and Current use of Opaline® Dry Oxy by my Patients.
Dear Ms. Lemire:
The study that was performed on Opaline® Dry Oxy capsules that involved 10 Non-Morgellon’s individuals and 9 Morgellon’s individuals in December 2007 (report document) resulted in a 100% beneficial result(s) to all parties tested.
The clinical use of Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules as a therapy to remove oxidative stress scavengers not only signals a new form of therapy, but gave us a better understanding of the mechanisms of many cellular toxicological reactions involving depleted oxygen within the cell membrane or its organelles.
The formation of various species of modified oxygen which reacts with biological substances (unsaturated fatty acids, for example) involves the reduction of molecular oxygen. These reactive substances include superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. The so-called antioxidants are substances which react with and neutralize the reduced forms of oxygen – not oxygen itself. One definition of an “antioxidant” is a substance that prevents molecular oxygen from being reduced to any of the various active forms mentioned above. A second commonly used definition of “antioxidant” is a substance which reacts with and destroys any of a variety of modified forms of molecular oxygen rather than oxygen itself.1
The comparison of Morgellon’s diagnosed individuals to individuals that do not have any symptoms of Morgellon’s Disease illustrates how Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules can assist in reducing the toxicological effects of biotransformation enzymes that may produce reactive intermediates. These are defined as chemical species that are more reactive than the parent compound or its metabolites that are subsequently eliminated from the body. For convenience the enzymatic formation of reactive intermediates is termed bioactivation. It is important to emphasize that the nature of the reactive intermediate is dependent on the chemical and the biotransformation process. The insertion of an oxygen molecule, addition of oxygen, acceptance of a reducing equivalent, or a conjugation process can produce a chemical structure that is a reactive intermediate. Thus, formation of reactive intermediates can be considered part of the overall biotransformation process.
Reactive intermediates can interact with neucleophilic sites on tissue constituents, such as the sulfhydryl group of glutathione and cysteine, or the amino or hydroxyl groups present in DNA, RNA, or protein. These later intermediates have been observed in three Morgellon’s individuals who had advanced biological monitoring tests performed by a CLEA approved lab – Quest Diagnositics, Inc. This finding would explain why Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules which make only
oxygen (O2) and water in the body did not have any cellular death through biotransformation reactions to any of the individuals tested. ALL individuals benefited from the extra presence of O2 in counter acting the bioactivation intermediates.
It must be noted that other forms of dry oxygen with antioxidants & minerals or other liquid forms of oxygen products can create a dehalogenation reaction, which often leads to reactive chemical species as found with carbon undergoing oxidation containing two halogens (usually cholorine or bromine), the product of oxygen insertion is a dihalogydrine, which undergoes dehydrohalogenation to a carbonyl halide entity. These acid halides are reactive and acrylate macromolecules and create a chemically induced pneumonia in individuals. A similar reaction is known to occur for chloroform. The initial reactive intermediate is phosgene, which can act as a bifunctional alkylating agent. Thus, in almost all cases whereas xenobiotic has terminal carbon (or reacts with a carbon nano tube/carbon advanced nanomicrobic material) with two halides attached, side chain oxidation mediated by cytochrome P-450 (microsomal enzyme inducers) will produce a toxic, reaction intermediate. The early administration of compounds that reduce the effects of the sulfhydryl group, such as cystamine, cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, methionine, and Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules, can decrease the severity of liver injury.2
A summary of these biotransformation mechanisms as related to Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules is expressed in Figure 1-1, which summarizes the proposed relationship between biotransformation, bioactiviation and toxicity of a xenobiotic as seen in the individuals having the disease Morgellon’s.
Analytical testing of Morgellon’s Individuals fiber, gels and other material specimens have been confirmed by advanced analytical testing (under Project: FMM) to be composed of nano composite materials as identified as parent compounds that have known metabolites and may be converted to a reactive intermediate or interact directly with the cellular organelle functions. Reactive intermediates can be detoxified and thus become metabolites that are eliminated.
Indeed, only a small portion of these reactive intermediates may become covalently bound to tissue macromolecules. In some cases, covalent binding may be viewed as a detoxification of a reactive metabolite. However, in such binding results in inactivation of a critical enzyme, depletion of important cellular antioxidants (i.e., GSH), formation of an antigenic determinate, cross linking of neuro filaments, and so on, toxicity may result as seen in Morgellon’s diseased individuals that participated in this study. The relationship between covalent binding of xenobiotics to cellular components and tissue injuries remain to be further established through further investigative research in this field of interest by the researchers.
In summation, as an Industrial Toxicologist/IH and Doctor of Integrative Medicine who has evaluated the toxicological effects of hazardous materials for 30 years, I would recommend Opaline® Dry Oxy™ capsules to my Morgellon’s individuals, Emergency Preparedness First Responders and the general public for a comprehensive approach to increasing the absorption of oxygen for cellular respiration and reduction of reactive intermediates from chemical exposures.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger™, RIET-1
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1. Bradford, Robert W. and Henry W. Allen. Oxidology: The Study of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) & Their Metabolism in Health and Disease, 2nd Edition. The Robert W. Bradford Foundation, Chula Vista, CA Chapter 2: Redoxology Principals. Page 57-58. © 1997
2. Evans, Scott and Hildegarde Sacarello. Ground Water Contamination through Electrophilic Neutrophilic Compounds and Their Genetic Increased Risk to Cancer. US EPA. Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina. US Government Printing Office. Washington, DC © 1984.
3. Clinical Diagnostic Tests Manual. Quest Diagnositics Lab, Inc. Los Angeles, CA. Review of Clinical Tests of a diagnosed Morgellon’s Patient (M-3) of Dr. Edward Spencer, Neurologist and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine. © December 2007.
Note: On December 17, 2007 Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s international environmental best seller text, The Comprehensive Handbook of Hazardous Materials: Regulations, Monitoring, Handling and Safety (under former name Sacarello) was added to the reference text for the new Federal OSHA Standard – 1910.1200 Hazard Communication Standard for Small Businesses. The text was published by Lewis Publishers/CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL © 1994 and is a reference text for Hazardous Materials and Regulations in 94 libraries throughout the world. It is the standard text for Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health degree programs for the University of Wisconsin, Old Dominion University and many others.
Opaline ® Dry Oxy contains no halogens, (chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) chlorite, sodium chloride, sodium dioxide, or PVP (polyvinylpyrilidone) which is a plastic nano particle, many of which other Oxygen Supplements Might CONTAIN.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.