• Opaline Skin Cremes



OPALINE® DRY OXY capsules use the process of oxygenation by activating dry stabilized oxygen to accelerate the body’s recovery system.  When taken with water, followed by a meal, our oxygen supplements provide this oxygen O2 in the most convenient and portable way that is available anywhere

Our   OPALINE® DRY OXY™   caps are not a colon cleanse (aka laxative) in the sense of creating any kind of diarrhea or soft stools. They would be  considered a colon cleanse in regards to prohibiting or decreasing pathogenic “anaerobic micro-organisms” in the digestive system.  Since they are also alkaline pH they can help create an unfavorable environment for other “aerobic pathogenic bacteria” and micro-organisms which might include problems with food poisoning or blood poisoning as well as providing needed oxygen for the body. This alkaline pH is also helpful to people with Acid Re flux, GERD, or Barrettes’ Esophagus often caused by too high a level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

We are not trying to eliminate the stomach acid, (hydrochloric acid), which is necessary to allow food to pass from the stomach to the duodenal chamber. Our hope is only to curb or adjust an overly acid pH enough to give comfort to those who are sensitive to food or products that increase the acid level (lowering the pH) while delivering oxygen to the entire system through the digestive tract.

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OPALINE® DRY OXY capsules are a dry stabilized oxygen, delivered to the entire body by internal means in easy to use tiny capsules taken orally as a dietary oxygen supplement.  Dosing is directed according to body weight and duration can range from several days to a lifetime depending on the condition or situation. 


 Available in two sizes

360 cap


120 cap


1 oz size


2 oz size


Opaline ® Dry Oxy oxygen deficiency supplements contain no halogens, (chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) sodium chlorite, sodium chloride, sodium dioxide, or PVP (polyvinylpyrilidone) which is a plastic nano particle, many of which other Oxygen Supplements Might CONTAIN.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Made in the USA